Please join us for the 2nd Annual
June 6, 2024
Prayer, food, and more

In honor of our founder and the rule of life he gave us, the Norbertines of St Michael's Abbey are celebrating the legacy of St. Norbert by showcasing some of the craftsmanship and scholarship that mark the beauty (and rigor!) of monastic life.

Showcasing Abbey Life

Following lunch, our Special Collections library will be open for tours. Confreres and seminarians will also man small exhibits showcasing some of the many crafts we practice for the glory of God, including brewing beer, painting icons, keeping bees, sewing vestments, and more. We'll also have information about the various corporal and spiritual works of mercy that we do beyond the abbey walls!

Our Patron

St. Norbert's story (and the story of our order) began over 900 years ago in a snowy valley of Prémontré, France. In an effort to reform and revitalize his fellow priests, St. Norbert of Xanten (1080-1134) founded the Norbertine Order on Christmas day in 1121.

Following the rule of St. Augustine, St. Norbert recognized that meaningful clerical reform could only flow from a monastic life -- priests living under a common roof, offering common prayer, and sharing a common table.

Interested in learning more about the life of St. Norbert? Please check out our current audio series The Eternal Pilgrim: A Life of St. Norbert on the Abbot's Circle site.

Ever Greater Numbers

By God's grace, St. Norbert's reforms bore incredible fruit. Holy young men began to travel in greater numbers to join the Norbertines, laying their lives down in service to Holy Mother Church.

Within thirty years there were two hundred abbeys of his new Order - oases of prayer, sound teaching, and holiness - spread across the face of the Christian world.

900 Years Later

St. Norbert's reforms brought the people of God new hope, and formed an abundance of holy priests to serve them.

Today, St. Michael’s Abbey is one of the largest communities of the world-wide Norbertine Order. The fire which St. Norbert kindled in 1121 still burns brightly 900 years later, and God continues to call young men of faith in great numbers to lay down their lives in service to the Church.

Celebrate with us

Date & Location

Thursday, June 6, 2024
St. Michael's Abbey
27977 Silverado Canyon Road
Silverado, CA 92676

10:00 AM

Pontifical Mass in the Abbey Church
Procession with relics of St. Norbert, immediately following Mass
Procession concludes with a blessing with relics of St. Norbert

12:00 PM


12:15 PM

Buffet lunch in courtyard

1:00 PM

Stations showcasing Abbey Life open

4:30 PM

Rosary and Veneration of the relics of St. Norbert, with a blessing

5:00 PM


We Look Forward to Seeing you

We hope you can attend. Reservations are not required, but a rough headcount will go a long way as we prepare for this celebration! So, if you know ahead of time that you are planning on attending the Feast of St. Norbert, please let us know by filling out the form.

Questions and special requests directed to: