archangel institute

Forming Catholic men in their faith

In September 2020, St. Michael's Abbey began the Archangel Institute, a faith-formation program for young men aged 14-18. The Institute offers weekly high school-level religion courses, spiritual outreach to parents, and quarterly father-and-son days of recollection to foster authentic Catholic maturity among our youth. Additionally, the Institute continues the Prep School's long-standing tradition of an annual pilgrimage to Rome for fathers and their sons.

Discover the path to Truth, Beauty, and Goodness with Archangel Institute's high school religious courses

Mystery of Christ
Scripture Study
Introduction to Philosophy
Marriage and Family Morals, Apologetics

These courses, which for some years formed the core religion curriculum at St. Michael’s Prep, are taught by Norbertines and offered on Monday evenings for the duration of one academic year: September – May. It is hoped that the curriculum, which can either supplement or substitute for other religion courses, is recognized by various entities as fulfilling certain religion requirements.

In addition to classes, the Archangel Institute provides days of recollection with a view toward the human formation of our young men. These days, designed for the students and their fathers, occur four times in one academic year on a Sunday from 10 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.  The day typically includes a talk by a Norbertine or an outside speaker, Mass, lunch, and a sport activity.

New Student Annual Fee*

* Fee includes full-year tuition, polo & sweat shirts, and lunch for Days of Recollection. Fee does not include books, retreats, or Rome Trip.

Returning Student Annual Fee**

** Fee includes full-year tuition, and lunch for Days of Recollection. Fee does not include books, retreats, or Rome Trip.

2024 - 2025 Class Schedule

Course Information

Course Outline

Students will encounter the four pillars of the Catholic Faith as indicated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Creed, Sacraments, Prayer, and the Ten Commandments. Lectures will be geared toward the fuller integration of these four dimensions into daily life. Special emphasis will be placed on fostering true Christian maturity in the context of a vibrant Liturgical life.

This is a 1 year, 1 credit course.

Book List

Essential Texts:
   • My Catholic Faith – Louis LaRavoire, S.T.D

Supplementary Texts:
   • Catechism of the Catholic Church – Catholic Church
   • Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma – Ludwig Ott

Course Outline

After treatment of certain principles necessary for the study of Sacred Scripture, the course will present an overview of how God worked through His chosen people. With this background, students will be exposed to the Scriptural teaching about the Person and Mission of Christ. Finally, there will be an overview of the Early Church and the working of the Holy Spirit within Her.

This is a 1 year, 1 credit course.

Course Outline

Students will be introduced to the elements of philosophy: logic, natural philosophy, the study of the soul, and ethics.

This is a 1 year, 1 credit course.


Handbooks to be provided by the teacher:

  •  The Formation of the Catholic Mind – Dr. Ronald P. McArthur
  • The Categories – Aristotle
  •  On Interpretation – Aristotle
  • Aristotle On Interpretation: Commentary by St. Thomas Aquinas and Cajetan – translated by Jean Oesterle
  • Posterior Analytics – Aristotle
  • Proemium to the Commentary on the Posterior Analytics – St. Thomas Aquinas

Physics – Aristotle:

  • Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics – St. Thomas Aquinas
  • On the Principles of Nature – St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Summa Theologica Ia IIae Q 1 Art 2 – 3 – St. Thomas Aquinas
  • The Hollow Universe: The Lifeless World of Biology – Charles DeKoninck

De Anima – Aristotle:

  • Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima – St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Summa Theologica Ia Q 75 Art 1 – St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Summa Theologica Ia Q 78 Art 4 – St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Summa Theologica Ia Q 75 Art 3 – St. Thomas Aquinas
  • The Viability of Aristotelian – Thomistic Color Realism-Christopher A Decaen
  • A First Glance at St. Thomas Aquinas – Ralph McInerny
  • Disputed Question on the Soul – Article 14 – St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Subjectivism and the Internal Principles of Knowing – Michael A Augros

Nichomachean Ethics – Aristotle

  • Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics – St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Summa Theologica Ia IIae Q 2 Art 1-3 – St. Thomas Aquinas
  • The Best Things in Life – Peter Kreeft
Course Outline

This course dedicated to marriage and family ethics consists of three main parts: marriage and family from the perspective of natural reason; marriage and family in the light of revelation; and practical advice about marriage and families based upon the conclusions reached.

This is a ½ year, ½ credit course.

Book List

Essential Texts:

  • Understanding Marriage and Family – Fr. Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem.
  • Beginning Apologetics 5-How to Answer Tough Moral Questions – Fr. Frank Chacon

Supplementary Texts:

  • Catholic Evidence Training Outlines: A classic Guide to Understanding & Explaining the Truths of the Catholic Church – Frank Sheed and Masie Ward
  • Handbook of Christian Apologetics – Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli
  • Familiaris Consortio – St. Pope John Paul II
Course Outline

Students will review Catholic principles as a response to contemporary ethical issues. Particular attention will be directed toward issues such as abortion, contraception, euthanasia, in-vitro fertilization, and human cloning. Emphasis will be given to the biblical perspective necessary for students to make a well-reasoned response to the classic objections against the faith. Particular attention will be given to the Eucharist, the Canon of the Bible, The Bible Alone, Apostolic Authority, Marian Doctrines, Confession, Prayer to the Saints, Purgatory, Tradition, Doctrinal Development, Priestly Celibacy, Different Denominations, and Christ’s One True Church.

This is a ½ year, ½ credit course.

Book List

Essential Texts:

  • Beginning Apologetics (Complete Set) – Fr. Frank Chacon
  • The Holy Bible (RSV) – Ignatius Press
  • The Catechism of the Catholic Church – The Catholic Church

Supplementary Texts:

  • The Faith of the Early Fathers – William A Jurgens
  • Catholic Evidence Training Outlines: A classic Guide to Understanding & Explaining the Truths of the Catholic Church – Frank Sheed and Masie Ward
  • Handbook of Christian Apologetics – Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli

REGISTER FOR 2024 - 2025 NOW

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